"informatique, ingénieur, drivers, USB, stack USB, embarqué, embedded, temps réel, real-time, WHQL, HCK, Winqual, Windows CE, SSII, ESN, service, offre d'emploi, informatique industrielle, assistance technique, régie, forfait, maintenance, industrial engineering, technical assistance, design patterns, telecommunication, reseaux, networks, systeme, operating system, firmware, middleware, protocole de communication, communication protocol, expertise, conseil, consulting, developpement, support, integration, COM/DCOM, ISO, LAP B, LAP B , CAN, X25, SNMP, HNZ, WAN, LAN, GSM,, ethernet, MacOS, IOS, Android, Windows, unix, linux, RTC, WiFi, Wireless"
Communication software computing specialist for over 35 years,
Philog intervenes by your side to ensure the development of your software. Our credo: to provide services with high added value brought by a competent and cohesive team, led by a true spirit of service. Our thorough knowledge of computer technology allows us to assist you in all the steps of your developments with the most diverse platforms, systems and languages. To consult the list of the technical expertises, languages and protocols to which we are familiar,
click here
Our cross-functional skills have led us to develop our IT expertise around centres of excellence:
The redundancy of certain issues has also led us to offer our expertise through turnkey solutions:
Our teams can work on all or part of your software issues through turnkey or technical-assistance contracts:
- Software development,
- Consulting and expertise on technology not mastered by the client,
- Software or project audit,
- Writing specifications, validation plan, …
- Definition of software architecture,
- …
middleware, firmware, driver USB WHQL developpement logiciel, com port, X25 MacOS, IOS, Android, Windows, unix, linux, embarqu�, informatique
middleware, firmware, driver USB WHQL developpement logiciel, com port, X25 MacOS, IOS, Android, Windows, unix, linux, embarqu�, informatique